Product Manager

"The Product Manager manage the product line life cycle from strategic planning to tactical activities, acting as a liaison to support product positioning and customer demand. He/She guides product development from conception to launch, evaluating product functionalities and performance, and proposing enhancements and/or improvements to products based on market feedback. He analyses potential partner relationships for the product, and generate innovative ideas to grow market share, improve customer experience and drive growth. He works with various teams across the organisation. He is familiar with product development life cycles and management tools, as well as various product positioning approaches. He is also knowledgeable of new and emerging consumer trends in the market. The Product Manager is able to see inter-connections and anticipate issues across all phases of the product life cycle and develop creative strategies to address them. He is an articulate and influential communicator to both internal and external stakeholders and is able to work well in a team environment."

Generic Skill Name Generic Skill Level
Communication 2
Global Perspective 2
Collaboration 2