UI Designer

"The User Interface Designer determines business needs and user requirements for user interface (UI) design and formulates technical specifications and delivery platform requirements for UI. He/She translates content and layout into an intuitive and responsive experience for users, and manages the design of UI elements for projects to ensure consistency and alignment to overall concept. He ensures that the UI visually communicates the path that a user experience designer has laid out. He oversees the conduct of usability testing to validate UIs, implementation of UIs, and analyses design audits for improvements. He works in a team and is proficient in programming languages required by the organisation to design and develop UIs. He is familiar with various graphic designing tools, as well as Universal Principles of Design and commonly used Design Methods. The UI Designer is imaginative and innovative in designing new and improved user interfaces. He adopts a structured approach when managing projects and performing testing. He keeps an open mind and leverages varying sources of information and data analytics to derive trends and identify potential design improvements. He is able to communicate his ideas to team members and other stakeholders in a clear and compelling manner."

Generic Skill Name Generic Skill Level
Creative Thinking 2
Learning Agility 2
Collaboration 2
Customer Orientation 1