Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Manager

"The Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Manager plans and oversees the delivery of testing and certification services to determine whether infrastructure components, systems and applications meet confidentiality, integrity, authentication, availability, authorisation and non-repudiation standards. He/She reports on testing outcomes and activities. He provides recommendations and manages stakeholder expectations. He ensures compliance with assessment and testing standards, processes and tools. He develops organisational testing capability and supports knowledge management. He is well versed with cyber security standards, protocols and frameworks, and has sound knowledge of various testing applications and services. The Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Manager possesses strong analytical and critical thinking abilities to resolve and advise on highly complex issues, and effectively communicates outcomes to relevant stakeholders. He is adept at managing resources and developing his team."

Generic Skill Name Generic Skill Level
Digital Fluency 3
Global Perspective 3
Sense Making 3
Creative Thinking 3