Forensics Investigator

"The Forensics Investigator is responsible for the investigation processes after a cyber-threat or incident. He/She is responsible to collect and analyse the threat data from the affected systems. He is also responsible for performing the forensics investigation and determining the root cause of cyber-attacks. He is familiar with different types of threats, cyber security standards, protocols and frameworks, and acts in accordance with the Cyber Security Act 2018. He is knowledgeable of hardware and software applications to analyse threat data from various sources. The Forensics Investigator is diligent and takes an analytical approach to perform analyses and uncover insights. He is skilled in synthesising trends and insights, and is confident in putting forth creative mitigation plans and solutions to mitigate security incidents."

Generic Skill Name Generic Skill Level
Communication 2
Creative Thinking 2
Problem Solving 2
Sense Making 2
Collaboration 2